Preliminary Program
Sixth IEEE International Symposium on

Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, August 5-8, 1997

IEEE Computer Society
- IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing
- HPDC Laboratory at Syracuse University
- Oregon State University
- Portland State University
The IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed
Computing (HPDC) provides a forum for presenting the latest
research findings that unify parallel and distributed computing.
In HPDC environments, parallel or distributed computing techniques
are applied to the solution of computationally intensive
applications across networks of computers.
Keynote Speakers
The conference will be held August 5-8, 1997 on the campus of
Portland State University in beautiful downtown
From the conference site it is an easy walk through the lush "park blocks"
to fine dining, shopping, and museums.
Portland is home to the nation's largest urban wilderness
area (5,000-acre Forest Park), the country's largest independent bookseller
(Powell's City of Books/Technical Bookstore),
and more
and brew pubs than any other American city.
On Thursday evening we will enjoy a dinner cruise on the Willamette River
aboard "The Spirit of Portland."
Portland weather in early August is normally hot and dry, with highs in
the 80s and lows in the 50s.
Plan to come early or stay late: there's lots to see and do near Portland.
Visit Mt. St. Helens National Monument, enjoy the world's best wind surfing
in the Gorge, try summer skiing on Mt. Hood, or head for the beach.
General Chair:
Salim Hariri, Syracuse University, 315-443-4282,
Symposium Steering Committee:
Andrew Grimshaw, University of Virginia
Daniel McAuliffe, Rome Laboratory
C. S. Raghavendra, Washington State University
Michael Quinn, Oregon State University
Program Committee Chair:
Michael Quinn, Oregon State University,
Program Committee:
Dharma Agrawal, North Carolina State University
Prathima Agrawal, AT&T Bell Labs
Ishfaq Ahmad, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ian F. Akyildiz, Georgia Tech
Marco Annaratone, Digital Equipment Corporation
Rob Armstrong, Sandia National Laboratory
Abhaya Asthana, AT&T Bell Labs
Ken Birman, Cornell University
Steve Chapin, University of Virginia
Abdelaziz Chihoub, Siemens Corporate Research
Mark Clement, Brigham Young University
Gene Cooperman, Northeastern University
John Crowcroft, University College London
Phyllis Crandall, University of Connecticut
Patrick Dowd, University of Maryland
Michael Driscoll, Portland State University
Stuart Elby, NYNEX Science and Technology
A. S. Elmaghraby, University of Louisville
Mary Eshaghian, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Ken Ferschweiler, Oregon State University
Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory
Andrew Grimshaw, University of Virginia
John Gustafson, Ames National Laboratory
S. H. Hosseini, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
T. V. Lakshman, AT&T Bell Labs
Jorg Leibeherr, University of Virginia
Philip McKinley, Michigan State University
Dick Metzger, Rome Laboratory
Charles McMillan, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
John Morrison, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jongbaek Park, Samsung, Korea
Ira Pramanick, Silicon Graphics
C. S. Raghavendra, Washington State University
Vikram Saletore, Oregon State University
Peter Sapaty, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Karsten Schwan, Georgia Tech
Nita Sharma, Hitachi Data Systems
Tony Skjellum, Mississippi State University
Rolf Stadler, Columbia University
Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory
Vaidy Sunderam, Emory University
Makoto Takizawa, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Ahmed Tantaway, IBM
Alexander Thomasian, IBM
Anand Tripathi, University of Minnesota
Anujan Varma, University of California, Santa Cruz
Pramod Varshney, Syracuse University
Jon Weissman, University of Texas-San Antonio
Karl-Heinz Winkler, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Martina Zitterbart, Technical University of Brawunschweig, Germany
Local Arrangements Chair:
Michael Driscoll, Portland State University,
Exhibits Chair:
Ken Ferschweiler, Oregon State University,
Publicity Chair:
Manish Parashar, University of Texas, Austin
Tutorial Chair:
C. S. Raghavendra, Washington State University
Registration Chair:
Cynthia Bromka-Skafidas, Syracuse University,
Provided by Michael J. Quinn,