HPDC'13 will offer conference attendees the opportunity to participate in the poster session on Wednesday afternoon.
The list of accepted posters for HPDC 2013 includes two categories of posters: accepted posters, which are accepted as a result of the reviewing process and are included in the proceedings of HPDC 2013, and open call posters which have been selected from the submissions received in response to the open Call for Posters, but are not included in the HPDC 2013 proceedings.
The authors of all these posters will have a 2-slides / 2-minutes presentation in the Poster Presentations session (Wednesday, June 19) and they will be available for discussions in the Poster Exhibition afterwards, during the Reception. The Poster Exhibition is open from Wednesday till Friday, and it also includes posters of the full HPDC2013 papers, allowing for more interaction and discussions between participants.
The Best poster award of HPDC2013 will be selected from the accepted posters and open call posters only.
Accepted Posters (based on full submitted papers)
- A1. IBIS: Interposed Big-data I/O Scheduler
Yiqi Xu, Adrian Suarez, Ming Zhao (Florida International University) - A2. ACIC: Automatic Cloud I/O Configurator for Parallel Applications
Mingliang Liu (Tsinghua University), Ye Jin (North Carolina State University), Jidong Zhai (Tsinghua University), Yan Zhai (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Qianqian Shi (Tsinghua University), Xiaosong Ma (North Carolina State University & Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Wenguang Chen (Tsinghua University) - A3. ElastMan: Autonomic Elasticity Manager for Cloud-Based Key-Value Stores
Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, Vladimir Vlassov (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) - A4. Supporting Parallel Soft Real-Time Applications in Virtualized Environment
Like Zhou, Song Wu, Huahua Sun, Hai Jin, Xuanhua Shi (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) - A5. Building and Scaling Virtual Clusters with Residual Resources from Interactive Clouds
R. Benjamin Clay, Zhiming Shen (North Carolina State University), Xiaosong Ma (North Carolina State University & Oak Ridge National Laboratory) - A6. SCDA: SLA-aware Cloud Datacenter Architecture for Efficient Content Storage and Retrieval
Debessay Fesehaye, Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) - A7. Load Balancing in Large-scale Epidemiological Simulations
Tariq Kamal, Keith R. Bisset, Ali R. Butt, Youngyun Chungbaek, Madhav Marathe (Virginia Tech) - A8. Efficient Analytics on Ordered Datasets Using MapReduce
Jiangtao Yin (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Yong Liao, Mario Baldi (Narus Inc.), Lixin Gao (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Antonio Nucci (Narus Inc.) - A9. A Framework for Auto-Tuning HDF5 Applications
Babak Behzad (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Joseph Huchette (Rice University, Huong Vu Thanh Luu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Ruth Aydt (The HDF Group), Surendra Byna, Yushu Yao (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Quincey Koziol (The HDF Group), Prabhat (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Open Call Posters (based on the call for posters)
- O1. Monitoring Large-Scale Cloud Systems with Layered Gossip Protocols
Jonathan Ward, Adam Barker (University of St Andrews) - O2. A Performance Study on Virtual Machine Provisioning and Backup for Storage Design of the HPC Cloud
Yusuke Tanimura, Ryousei Takano, Takahiro Hamanishi, Hidemoto Nakada, Yoshio Tanaka (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) - O3. Hybrid parallelization of a multi-material fluid flow solver on heterogeneous architectures
Mathieu Peybernes, Renaud Motte, Jean-Philippe Braeunig (CEA), Jean-Michel Ghidaglia (ENS de Cachan), Joris Costes (Eurobios) - O4. Taking the Elephant to the Market: Improving Hadoop Market Awareness for Auction-based Clouds
Moussa Taifi (Temple University) - O5. P-HGRMS: A Parallel Hypergraph Based Root Mean Square Algorithm for Image Denoising
Tejaswi Agarwal, Saurabh Jha, Rajesh Kanna Baskaran (Vellore Institute of Technology - Chennai) - O6. Parallel simulation of large population dynamics
Cristina Montañ-Sales, Josep Casanovas-Garcia, Jose Maria Cela-Espí(Universitat Politèica de Catalunya - Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Bhakti S. S. Onggo (Lancaster University), Adriana Kaplan-Marcusá(Universitat Autòa de Barcelona) - O7. Security-Aware Models for Clouds
Arnaud Lefray (INRIA-ENS-ENSIB), Eddy Caron (University of Lyon-ENS-INRIA), Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, Huaxi Yulin Zhang (INRIA-ENS), Aline Bousquet, Jémy Briffaut, Christian Toinard (ENSIB) - O8. V-BOINC: The Virtualization of BOINC
Gary McGilvary (The University of Edinburgh), Adam Barker (University of St Andrews), Ashley Lloyd, Malcolm Atkinson (The University of Edinburgh) - O9. Prototype of computer cluster monitoring data analysis system on the basis of support vector method
Sergey Konyuhov (RSC Technologies), Ekaterina Tyutlyaeva (Russian Academy of Sciences), Alexander Moskovsky (RSC Technologies) - O10. ConPaaS: an Integrated Runtime Environment for Elastic Cloud Applications
Guillaume Pierre (IRISA/Universite de Rennes 1), Thilo Kielmann, Emanuele Rocca, Kaveh Razavi, Bert Ijff, Hector Fernandez, Renato Figueiredo, Alexandru Uta, Alexandra Vintila (Vrije Universiteit), Ana-Maria Oprescu (University of Amsterdam), Thorsten Schuett, Michael Berlin (ZIB), Matej Artac, Ales Cernivec (XLAB) - O11. An Instruction Level GPU Power Modeling Method
Qi Zhao, Hailong Yang, Zhongzhi Luan, Depei Qian (Beihang University) - O12. Uncovering the Perfect Place: Optimising Workflow Engine Deployment in the Cloud
Michael Luckeneder, Adam Barker (University of St Andrews) - O13. A Distributed Data Component for the Open Modeling Interface
Tom Bulatewicz, Daniel Andresen, Sarah Auvenshine, Jeffrey Peterson, David Steward (Kansas State University) - O14. Towards a multi-gigapixel deconvolution tool for the next generation of astronomical imaging
Michael Sherry, Andy Shearer (NUI Galway) - O15. A Generic Capability Model for Analyzing Modification Effects in HPC Infrastructures
Christian Straube, Dieter Kranzlmü(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen) - O16. D2T: Doubly Distributed Transactions for High Performance and Distributed Computing
Jai Dayal (Georgia Institute of Technology), Jay Lofstead (Sandia National Labs), Karsten Schwan (Georgia Institute of Technology), Ron Oldfield (Sandia National Labs)